A handler is created, which acts as a message switchboard operator and routes each method call to the appropriate invocation chain. 将创建一个处理程序,它充当一个消息交换台操作程序(switchboardoperator)并将每个方法调用传递到相应的调用链。
The receiving operator wrote the received encrypted message, set his Enigma machine to the same pre-defined combination, and then typed the message at the machine's keyboard. 接收方的报务员受到这篇电文后将他的恩尼格码机调整到相同的设置,并依次在键盘上输入密文报文。
Display functions of the standby screen are preserved, including operator, area message, media player and timer. 在待机屏幕显示功能,保留下来,包括运营商,面积消息,媒体播放器和定时器。
Let's consider how and where a service gets the operands it uses to prepare an operator message. 让我们考虑一下,一个服务怎样和在哪里获得它用来准备操作符消息的操作数。
Extending the state operator based on message mechanism, proposes a general order state operator, which constrain the trace of event. 在原有消息机制的基础上对状态操作符进行扩展,增加了全局顺序对事件发生轨迹的约束。
If it finds a match, it uses the send operator ( the! symbol) to send a message to the broker process telling it to place an order. 如果匹配上了,就用发送操作符(即!符号)向broker进程发送一则消息,告诉它下单。
Our operator will provide you information and message service. 为您提供电话信息查询、言服务。
By a console operator; to press a key or otherwise indicate to an operating system that a message has been received. 控制台操作员以按下某个键或其它方式告诉操作系统已经收到某一报文。
Optionally, you can specify the text of the message to send to the operator, and whether to include the error text in the message sent to the operator. 您还可以指定发送到操作员的信息文本,以及是否将错误文本包含在发送给操作员的信息中。
Study system how is linked with the protocol of The Short Message Gateway that operator uses, realize systematic short message to dispatch and take over function. 研究系统如何与移动运营商使用的短信网关协议相连,实现系统的短信发送和接收功能。